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Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Netsuite, Mailchimp, Klaviyo, HTML/CSS

Consumer-Focused Product Feature - Developed the campaign to individually list post earrings for sale. These earrings had low sales so this was an A/B test to determine which treatment of these earrings worked best. This email saw the second highest open rate in the DTC marketing history.

One-of-A-Kind Accessories - I pitched the idea of listing textile accessories individually rather than as a group - allowing consumers to pick their color & style. This decision, in part with marketing campaigns, resulted in a 400% increase in bag/pouch sales.

Black Friday Sale Series - Planned, designed & deployed a 7-part Black Friday series that utilized different copy/angles for different segments. This resulted in the highest sales for Black Friday weekend to date.

Consumer-Focused Earth Day Promotion - For Earth Day, I developed a campaign to promote the Sari Shopper Totes, a zero-waste alternative to plastic bags.

Consumer-Focused Product Feature - Developed the campaign to promote a new collection, using the angle that WorldFinds has bracelets for the most popular month’s of the year. This email saw a 41.8% open rate - a record high for WorldFinds DTC marketing.

Mother’s Day Sale Series - Planned, designed & deployed a four-part Mother’s Day series promoting different collections. In conjunction with Facebook advertisements, this became the highest-grossing retail campaign for WorldFinds.